.NET R&D Digest (November, 2023)

No matter how much of your time you spend on reading and learning new things it still won’t be enough to keep up with all of the latest trends in software development industry (I know it because I try to read at least something). However, what you can do is to keep up with things you are using every day and here, I hope a new issue of .NET R&D Digest can help.

This issue includes bits of AI, stories, operating systems, diagnostics, low-level optimisations, IaC, performance, videos and .NET.

Have a great read!

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.NET R&D Digest (August, 2023)

One more season of 2023 is left behind. Autumn knocks in our doors and promises a nice set of conferences, events and releases in the world of .NET. However, until the rumble begins it would be nice to have something to read. Luckily, the new issue of .NET R&D Digest is here.

This issue includes bits of stories, software development, AI, programming languages, performance, diagnostics, C#, .NET and of course glimpses of an upcoming .NET 8.

Have a nice read!

Continue reading “.NET R&D Digest (August, 2023)”

.NET R&D Digest (July, 2023)

Everyone perceives software differently. Users through interface and features which helps them do things better. Owners through value it generates for them and/or for the organisation. Software developers through technology it is built upon and challenges it solves. That is why, so often, the software we see it not what it seems on the first glance. The same applies to the July’s issue of .NET R&D Digest … it is bigger inside than outsides.

This issue includes bits of AI, architecture, software development, testing, low-level optimisations, patterns, operating systems, performance and of course, a lot of .NET.

Have a nice read!

Continue reading “.NET R&D Digest (July, 2023)”

.NET R&D Digest (May, 2023)

It isn’t surprising that all of the recent months are captured in the AI storm. A lot of announcements made are related to AI and how it is going to transform the future not only in area of software development but in the whole world.

However, there are things which emergence of AI won’t change and a new issue of .NET R&D Digest is one of them.

This issues includes bits of architecture, clouds, computer science, software development, operating systems, visual studio and of course .NET with some internals.

Have a nice read!

P.S. Don’t forget to check recordings from Microsoft Build, especially the very entertaining “Scott and Mark Learn to Code” with Mark Russinovich and Scott Hanselman.

Continue reading “.NET R&D Digest (May, 2023)”

.NET R&D Digest (March, 2023)

The first quarter of 2023 was full of interesting announcements, mostly related to the advancements in AI and its integration into various products (which isn’t surprising because these tools really look great). This will definitely reshape the way a lot of people do their jobs (see it yourself in Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence: Early experiments with GPT-4).

Besides advancements in AI, we are also coming closer to the new step in transistors manufacturing which eventually will result in the new chips which will power our devices (as described here — The Future of the Transistor).

Even if you aren’t fun of AI and engineering I still recommend to read these, just to see what is coming. As usual, there is always something to read and learn besides trending topics. That is why, the new issue of .NET R&D Digest is here for you.

This issue includes bits of artificial intelligence, engineering, performance, distributed systems, diagnostics, operating systems, debugging, math and as usual — C# and .NET.

Have a nice read!

Continue reading “.NET R&D Digest (March, 2023)”